Swimming is Safe While Pregnant

Swimming gives some benefit for pregnant women. Among other things, helps pregnant women sleep more soundly, can relieve nausea, strengthens the muscles - including the muscles around the hips making it easier for mothers in childbirth. Other benefits are also obtained from pregnant women in whom therapeutic swimming activity for healthy joints and muscles, and of course maintaining heart health.
Swimming can be done since the first trimester pregnant women until the third. Only pregnant women need to be careful when swimming before delivery. Because of the greater kandingan mother, and also increasingly heavy burden, it is feared pregnant women easily fall or slip.
To be safe and comfortable swimming when pregnant, the following tips:
* Swim with ease. Avoid movements yanked or swim style that is draining a lot of energy. Remember, pregnant women are being incorporated two!
* Do not force yourself to keep moving. If you are tired rest by floating or relax yourself.
* Do not swim for too long, just 20-30 minutes. Swim for too long can increase the temperature in the womb that might harm the fetus.
* Wear a bathing suit is comfortable, not too narrow or suppress the stomach. Use also shoes or anti-slip footwear (aqua shoes) so that pregnant women not to slip.
* Mothers who previously rarely swim, should not swim for too long. Can be started 5-10 minutes, then gradually add 1-2 minutes per week. Swimming can be done 2-3 times a week.
* If swimming in public pools, make sure the pool is clean and cleaned regularly, not too crowded and the area is safe.
* Should the water temperature just right, not too cold or hot. Avoid swimming in the hot sun or at night when the weather is very cold.
* Usually after a swim mom will be hungry or thirsty, consume nutritious food or drink so that the maximum fetal growth

10 Important Things for The Newborn Baby (baby supplies store)

Baby Supplies Store recommend these steps:
1. Put the baby in the chest at birth
The newborn should immediately placed in the mother's breast, babies will look for nipple shortly after birth and placed in the chest. At the same time, the baby will
feeding breast milk until breast milk has come out. This baby's feeding will actually stimulate milk production. Babies who do not feed the milk within the first 30 minutes after born, milk-breast feeding capacity will drop.
2. Do not discard the first milk that comes out
Yellow color that comes out of the first breast milk should not be discarded. This is called colostrum contains proteins and immune substances (antibodies)that will protect the baby, making it more robust in the face of disease.
3. There is no stale milk
Unlike formula, breast milk is never stale. Mothers who for some reason can not breastfeed her baby in some time, do not hesitate to breastfeed again. Quality of breast milk given at that time as well as out first.
4. Infants fed breast milk more easily when hungry
Properties that are easily digested milk makes the baby hungry faster. Infants
are breastfed will drink more often about 1-3 hours. When the weight weight infants fed breast milk continues to increase, a sign the baby is getting enough food. Do not give solid food before his time, so as not to cause blockage in the intestine that can be fatal. System baby's immature digestive until he was 4 months old.
5. Do not boil the milk is stored
Working mothers can squeeze milk and store it in a sterile bottle. Every milk bottle that should be written the date and hour of extortion. Milk stored in the freezer can last between 2 weeks to 4 months. At room temperature ASI last for 4-8 hours, whereas in the freezer last approximately 24-48 hours. Breastfeeding is done by first-in first-out method. Incoming milk refrigerator or freezer first, that's what should get out more first. When about to be given, do not be heated by heating milk or microwave because the substances contained in milk could be damaged. For milk is in the refrigerator, preferably soaked in a container of water bottles warm until the milk is not cold anymore. Given to new babies. As for milk stored in the freezer, should be moved first into the refrigerator to thaw. After the new warmed in a container of warm water.
6. Babies cry
Crying is how babies communicate with people around him. Babies cry not only because of hunger. Could be because of wet diaper due to urinate or defecate. It could also be due to the position while feeding the not true, so do not get the right amount of milk.

Babies crying could also be a sign he is ill. In the first 2-3 months for example, infants often suffering from colic or abdominal pain of unknown cause. Usually
symptoms were reduced after the age of three months.

Crying babies can be a way attract the attention of others, especially mother and father. Maybe he wanted to get hugs and affection from parents. Parents should not let the baby cry for too long because the baby will be tired and breastfeeding ability reduced. The mother can also be frustrated and upset, so it can be bad for psychological development of infants.
When the baby cries, mom or dad can hold and cuddle her hum, put it in the troller, and then invite the streets outside rooms, or rotate the soft music. If the mother is tired, asking caregivers or someone else to help hold the baby. Therefore, the more upset and frustration of the mother, the baby will be more restless and cry harder.
7. Buckle baby
Until now, it still sounds wrong perception, hence the advice to not often hold the baby. Worry later "the smell of hand" and the baby become spoiled. This is not true. Indeed many studies reveal, infants who receive immediate attention shortly after crying, either by cuddled and approachable, will eventually grow into a strong
emotional. He later became the independent and more confident. In contrast, babies who do not receive attention and left to cry too long, while adults will be a person who is less independent, doubter, or do not have strong self-confidence.
8. Warm water compresses
Providing drinking more often very help lower a fever plus a drug lowering fever. Compress better for the baby if the warm water. Several studies have shown, warm compresses more useful in reducing fever than a cold water compress. Do not compress with alcohol for fear of poisoning. If the fever is still continuing high and growing quickly bring the baby to the doctor.
9. Baby frequent bowel movements
Babies who are breastfed initially tend to be somewhat fluid and feces as
seed-grain. The frequency can be 4-6 times a day. However, at the age of 1-2
months, the frequency can be reduced up to 4-6 days. No need worried about the condition during infancy remain calm, no fuss, stomach no bloating, no throwing up constantly, and the stool is not hard. Condition This is because breast milk more absorbed by the intestine and takes longer for expulsion as a stool. Feces of infants aged 2-3 months will start berampas. New at the age of 4 months, the feces began to take shape. Importantly, infant faeces does not transform into a liquid without residues or accompanied by blood.
10. Notice the little things
At the age of two months, babies can respond well when spoken to by mother or father. At the age of three months, when baby's hands are lifted raised slowly until the body part, the neck should come up. When baby's neck does not come up already should be suspected abnormalities. At the age of three months the baby is not clenched hands. When at the age of 4 months of your baby's hands still clenched, 90 percent indicates a problem. Classic symptoms of autism can also be seen from the little things. For example, infants not respond when spoken to, like head banging, head size tend to be larger, toddler toy cars flipping and rotating the tires up many times, and preoccupied with his own world. Autism occurs because
lack of serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain. When recognized and treated early, under the age of 2 years, the result will be good. It is more difficult when the new note at the age of 5 years, because the cell nerve was not growing anymore.
-------by baby supplies store-------

Sheets and blankets (your baby supplies)

Baby Supplies.
Many parents buy sleeping bags for newborn babies or cotton sheets and cotton cellular blankets. They are easy to layer and keep your baby at the right temperature: you can simply add or take away a blanket if your baby is too hot or too cold. You could also cut and hem sheets from an adult bed if you don't want to buy sheets especially for a crib.

If your baby starts off in a cradle or bassinet, you can also buy special bassinet size sheets and blankets. Generally speaking, you will need about four sheets and two or three blankets to start with. Sheets are usually made of either traditional woven cotton, brushed flannelette which feels warm to the touch, stretch cotton terry or cotton jersey. Stretch fitted sheets are very useful as they are less likely to come untucked while your baby sleeps and are quick and easy to put on and take off.

If your baby's bedroom is very cold, you can use acrylic cellular blankets rather than cotton ones, which wash well. If you buy traditional wool blankets, check to see if they can be machine-washed. Polyester fleece blankets are widely available too and are very useful for the stroller on a cold day but they may make your baby too hot. ---For the best baby supplies, just browse on baby supplies store items we are provided for you---

Is it safe for Baby Takes Flight ?

Baby Supplies Store.
Changes in air pressure that occurs when a plane will affect the functioning of human organs, especially the ears. The sudden changes in air pressure will cause constriction of the inner ear cavity, so we often have to make a move to swallow saliva or chewing on something to maintain the cavity in order to stay open, in infants or older children they are usually advised to drink / breastfeed or eat something.
If the cavity remains closed for example

due to any reason like he was suffering from cough and cold, it will be painful. Another factor is to travel using public facilities such as aircraft it will be more exposed to all forms of transmission / transmission of the disease mainly spread through the air (airborne disease). This needs to be a concern for parents.
Actually there is no limit to how old standard of a baby can travel by planes and each airline has certain requirements regarding the minimum age of the baby. Preferably after 2-3 months of age a baby can start a journey through the aircraft, which began to develop his endurance is better, and the response to the new environment better.
Noteworthy is keep your baby comfortable, cheerful and full during the flight so that he lived through it well first. And avoid traveling through the air when it is suffering from acute respiratory tract infections such as colds are coughing, ear inflammation and other pain conditions that cause a sense of comfort tidk excess.
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Baby Supplies Store


9 Benefits of Pilates for Pregnant women (---by baby supplies store---)

---Baby Supplies Store---
Pregnancy is not a disease, although indeed the majority of pregnant women, pregnancy is uncomfortable making body condition. Do not remain silent with the uncomfortable condition of the body due to changes during pregnancy. Remained was the move, including sports such as Pilates exercises.

Private pilates instructor, Lisa Namuri says pregnant women need to stay active during pregnancy. Pilates exercise can be a safe alternative during pregnancy, so pregnant women are always active and various body problem is resolved. Such as aches, leg swelling, or pain in the waist, until the body is easily tired.

Here are nine benefits of pilates for pregnant women:
1. Maintain weight
When you are pregnant is not recommended diet. But that does not mean the weight can not be controlled. Pilates exercises can help you maintain your weight during pregnancy. By regularly doing Pilates, the body active so metabolism awake. As a result, accumulation of fat in the body decreases.
2. Overcoming the body tired
Pilates movements to help maintain stamina safely. Stamina is required pregnant women to cope with fatigue during pregnancy. Pregnant women are more prone to fatigue due to working organ in the body of pregnant women becomes more severe. Therefore pregnant women need more calories than usual. In fact, some experts claim the calories used for pregnant women the same as the calories used by marathon runners.
3. Free varicose veins, leg cramps and swelling
Movement of the foot while practicing pilates will improve blood circulation. Pilates exercise large muscles and muscles of the ankle. Because the blood flow smoothly, freely swollen legs and do not experience cramps.
4. Maintain posture
During pregnancy, posture change naturally. Enlarged abdomen shifts the load point on the body. This change affects the joints and muscles of the body. Pilates exercises posture to compensate for changes in the body. In effect, the body does not get sick or sore.
5. Easily restore your body shape
Some women do not want to be fat because of pregnancy. These concerns can be overcome with pilates. Pregnancy makes the muscles relax. Therefore, during pregnancy you should still maintain muscle performance. So you can easily back into shape as before pregnancy.
6. Free back pain
Your baby's growth will cause the stomach getting bigger. In effect, the greater the free-borne waist. Pilates, which focuses on strength training, abdominal muscles, helping to reduce the burden back waist.
7. Keeping the mood
During pregnancy, tend to be short of breath, step heavier. Daily activities, including mood, disturbed by it. Pilates makes limb active again. Energy delivery inside the body will be maintained thanks to pilates, consequently you stay in shape during pregnancy.
8. Better quality sleep
Usually, entering the third trimester, pregnant women getting hard to determine a comfortable sleeping position. Pilates exercise routine to launch the respiratory and circulatory. As a result, you feel more relaxed and comfortable, even more improved quality of sleep.
9. Reduce stress postpartum
Stamina you back-tested postpartum. The process of pregnancy for nine months to drain your stamina, so no matter the time of delivery. Mothers will experience sustained tired from pregnancy to childbirth if they do not maintain fitness. Movement Pilates during pregnancy helps the body active and dynamic. The body becomes fitter, and you are better prepared physically and mentally to undergo childbirth until the baby postpartum care.
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